SSL Certificate


Healthcare Plan Provider

Millions of dollars disappear from HMO and government-funded Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) budgets each year thorough FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE.

MTP has functions in place that track every aspect of the ride. This software has the potential to save millions of dollars to state, counties and heathcare providers throughout the country.

Medical Transportation Providers

MTP allows our fleet to grow exponentially without putting the burden on our dispatcher and customer service representatives. We can do the work of a large company, but remain small and yet giving every provider, member, and driver the attention they deserve.

MTP makes billing a two minute operation and streamlines operations, ride allocation, and audits. MTP helps me keep my focus where it counts – Growing my business!


I am able to grab rides from our vendors instantly, through the portal. I can view all rides for the day, and can easily switch between all rides, rides left to do, and rides that have already been assigned.

MTP allows me to look at a map and see which of our drivers is closest to a pickup to find the best fit for the order especially the urgent ones.


Real-time ride allocation on my mobile app keeps me on the move.

Theapp allows me to capture date, time,location and rider signatures which minimizes paperwork and eliminates the chance that the information could be lost.


Using a transportation company that has a smart IT enabled solution has dramatically improved my experience as a passenger in a number of ways. The reaction time is so much faster, and my driver never gets lost.

MTP eliminates the paperwork and the hassle. I sign off on all my rides electronically, right from the device. My rides are accurately captured and billed by actual mileage.

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